Are you a citizen, community leader or organization that wants a clean and waste-free future for Philly?
We want you to take action.
It’s going to be up to the next mayor to decide whether Philadelphia continues to be plagued by trash collection issues, litter, and illegal dumping or whether the Philly is transformed to a city where neighborhoods are litter-free, trash and recycling are properly collected, dumping is a thing of the past, and a low-waste, circular economy can thrive.
Mayoral candidates need to hear from you that you want the next mayor to make a clean and waste-free Philadelphia a priority in their administration.
If you represent an organization, use the form below to sign on to this agenda to show mayoral candidates that there is broad-based support for a clean and waste-free future for Philly.
We will add your organization to the growing list of organizations that support this agenda.
If you are an individual or community leader, there are several ways you can take action through the Waste Free Philly coalition organizations.
Please learn more about the individual coalition organizations’ platforms and how to take action on them by clicking one of the focuses below:
Trash Academy/Clean Water Action
Supporting Organizations
The following organizations and businesses have endorsed the Waste Free Philly agenda.